Visualizing huge numbers can be very difficult. People regularly talk about millions of miles,
billions of bytes, or trillions of dollars, yet it's still hard to grasp just how much a "billion" really is. The MegaPenny
Project aims to help by taking one small everyday item, the U.S. penny, and building on that to answer the question: "What
would a billion (or a trillion) pennies look like?"
Rotated coin die census with photo album, pic from his personal collection etc.
Price guides, message boards, coin guide, shows etc.
Online Reference for US Coins
Get the quantities of US coin mintages
Information on US Pattern coins
Entrance to the 12 Federal Reserve Bank websites. Lots of great info
Good site to check what kinds of varieties sold for what. Searchable databse, search by VAM,
FS, Breen etc
Pittsburgh, PA Coin Club
Good informational site on Draped Bust coinage
List of Coin Shows
Great website on Early Colonial Coins
IMAGES of Confederate Currency - 1861-1864

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Photo album, chat room, articles, grading guide, auction
Information regarding all bust coinage, buy and sell, also a forum.
Information about the US Mint, mint programs and product catalog.
Confederate currency, coins, stamps, bonds and flags
About the US Treasury, educational links, sales and auctions, business opportunities, current
headlines etc.
Reference site to everything from education material to mints, museums, cretification services
Great site with lots of info on ALL colonial and Early American coins.
Price guide for US Coins
PCGS Price Guide
Prices for all US coins, updated daily
Coin Grading
Website devoted to grading US Coins
Index of Civil War Tokens
List Civil War tokens as well as other tokens in the parent directory
CSA Currency
Nice informational website on Confederate Currency
Website info coming soon
Website info coming soon
Website info coming soon
Website info coming soon
Website info coming soon