Article I Title and Object
Section 1. This organization shall be known as The North Hills Coin Club.
Section 2. The object of this organization shall be to promote and encourage interest in numismatics.
All members shall be encouraged to attend all meetings, participate in all activities and encourage new
Article II. Membership
Section 1. Any person having attained the age of eighteen years and being interested in Numismatics is eligible
to become a regular member.
Section 2. Individuals may be proposed for membership at any regular meeting, but membership shall not be
confirmed until the next regular meeting.
Section 3 Any person having attained the age of thirteen are eligible to become Junior members. Junior members
may not hold office or vote.
Section 4 Application for membership
a. Application for Regular and Junior membership shall be on blank forms provided by the Secretary/Treasurer.
b. Completed application and annual dues shall be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer.
c. The application shall be read at a regular meeting and the applicant shall be voted upon at the following
regular meeting.
d. Vote may be taken by voice vote or by secret ballot. The vote shall take place with the applicant outside
the meeting room. An affirmative majority of all members present shall admit the applicant into membership.
Article III Officers
Section 1. Club officers shall include a President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer, all of whom shall
be nominated and elected by a majority vote at the annual meeting and shall serve for one year.
Section 2. Any Regular member in good standing shall be eligible for office.
Section 3. Election of officers shall be by written secret ballot or by voice vote if the office is uncontested.
Elections shall take place at the December meeting.
Article IV. Amendments
Section 1. This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths majority vote involving
all members present. The vote may be by secret ballot or voice vote.
Section 2. Amendments to the constitution and by-laws shall be presented in written at a general meeting.
They shall be read to the membership and discussed at that meeting. Voting shall take place no sooner than the following general
monthly meeting.
Section 3. Members absent from meetings at which amendment voting is scheduled may vote by proxy.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. There shall be regular scheduled monthly meetings. The day of the week will be decided by a majority
vote of the members present. This shall be decided upon annually and based upon available space at the Northland Library.
Section 2. The meetings shall be based on Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article VI. Annual Dues
Section 1. The annual dues shall be 10 dollars for regular members, 3 dollars for junior members, payable
at or before the December meeting.
Article VII. Duties of Officers
Section 1. President
a. Preside at all meetings.
b. Appoints chairmen of all committees.
c. Is an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2. Vice-President
a. Performs duties of the President in the President’s absence.
b. Performs duties of the Secretary/Treasurer in their absence.
c. Assists President in supervising club activities and/or club events.
Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer
a. Takes minutes of all monthly general meetings.
b. Keeps record of all members and dues payments.
c. Presides at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President.
d. Receives and disburses all monies and presents a financial report at each monthly general meeting.
e. Handles all general correspondence
Article VIII Club Expenditures
Section 1. Only the elected officers may spend money in the name of the club. Only expenses within the scope of their duties
shall be allowed.
Article IX. Dismissal of a member
Section 1. Grounds
a. Any member who violates the By-laws of the club or who exhibits illegal or unethical behavior not conducive with the
spirit of this club shall be dismissed.
Section 2. Procedure
a. Any member in good standing may prefer charges of conduct unbecoming a member or officer.
b. All charges must be presented in writing to the President who shall call a meeting of the other officers.
c. If it is decided the charges are valid, the member is dismissed immediately.
d. The dismissed member may appeal the ruling at the next monthly general meeting. A majority vote of the present voting
members can overturn the dismissal