History of Our Club
Our club was started in 2004 in the community of the North Hills in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our
meetings are very informational with a relaxing atmosphere. After the business portion of the meeting is completed,
one of the club members will present to the club a presentation of his/her choice. If there are no presentations, the
club would show a film about our hobby. After the presentation is over, the club members will present numismatic items
in a show and tell. Our club, consists of a great bunch of people who love the hobby. Our club is a proud member
of the American Numismatic Association.
Join a Coin Club!
Are you interested in discovering and exploring the world of money with other people who share
your interest? Then, join a coin club!
The North Hills Coin Clubs newsletter "The Keelboat" is published by the club each month and can be downloaded
in the Members Only Section.
Club Offices and Officers
Club President
Ron W
Vice President
Vic N
Deborah L
Bourse Chairman
Bob F
Keelboat Publisher
Dean K
Website Webmaster
Dean K